Day 0 — London

The Plan (the whole Plan)
Day 0 : Mon 21 May : General gathering, possibly involving the final day of the Lords' test, assuming we haven't lost it by then and it's not pissing down.

A day at the cricket beckoned. David and Rupert returned to London from visiting various relatives, and dumped their bags at Patrick's. At least they did eventually, as Rupert somewhet failed to get off the bus at anything like the right stop and had to be rescued from the distant suburbs. Mark set off as an advance guard to Lords. And so he got to see a bit of this...

Some play ... Harmy threatens fourth slip

But shortly after that, all we got was this...

Slightly redundant notice on the scoreboard

While waiting for everyone else to arrive, Mark got chatting to a load of Windies fans. They told him they had brought some booze with them and forgotten their corkscrew. And so Mark reached into his bag and three seconds later became the most popular man in the ground.

Only a bit more play and then this...

Oh, bloody hell...

So we waited just in case of a restart. But no luck. But we did befriend a couple of completely pissed guys from the West Country who helpfully took this photo of us

Oh sod it, let's go to the pub

So we went off to the pub. Mark went home and booked the hotel for the following day. David and Rupert went to Patrick's, ate a lot of garlic bread and fell asleep repeatedly. And so the adventure was ready to begin.