'Tis the voice of the Humble (part 2)

(with justified apologies to Lewis Carroll)

To the Satwother world it was Rupert who spoke:-
“Again I must cast off this family yoke.
Three years from the Hunter – ‘tis time to go free
Just David and Patrick and Marcus and me”

“My cellar is empty; my throat it is dry
So off to the vineyards more bottles to buy.
The wines of the Napa are fine as can be
For David and Patrick and Marcus and me.”

To the Satwother world it was David who said:-
“Three weeks out on licence well wined and well fed.
Exploring the vineyards and Yosemite Park
Just David and Rupert and Patrick and Mark.”

To the Satwother world it was Lisa who spoke:-
This Satwother trip is some kind of a joke.
Hard labour is needed before you go free
Helping Fiona and Gareth and me!”

The Satwothers fled from this sentence of doom.
Go West young man – we have plenty of room
And plenty of vineyards and wine flowing free
For Rupert and Patrick and David and me.

Said Satwother Mark, “The effect of this land
Is something most strange I do not understand.
My belt is much shorter – it has lost inches three.”
“Ours also” said Rupert and Patrick and me.

Its up to the border – there’s duty to pay
But that’s not a game that the Satwothers play.
When out of the bottle the wine travels free
In Rupert and Patrick and David and me!

At the end of three weeks the Satwothers lament:-
“The wine it is drunk and the money is spent.
So its back to the office and instant coffeee*
For Rupert and Patrick and David and me”

“Satwothers” said Lisa, “three weeks have gone by
So Patrick and Marcus to England must fly.
The Humble to Sydney and Rupert you see
To subjection to Gareth, Fiona and ME!!!”

* (Foul! Both the drink and the rhyme!!)  Back