The Plan
This is what we what we were supposed to do...
Day #-1: Wed 7 May : PM Humble arrives chez Heesom. Beer. Curry
(possibly in Guildford)
Day #0 : Thu 8 May : Three fat bastards fly Heathrow -> Chicago
-> Minneapolis, arriving 20:33
Day #1 : Fri 9 May : Minneapolis. Brewery tour of the Ferry
Bridge Brewery?
Day #2 : Sat 10 May : Four fat bastards fly to SF, arriving 17:31. Collect car,
thence to hotel
Day #3 : Sun 11 May : SF
Day #4 : Mon 12 May : SF
Day #5 : Tue 13 May : Down the coast to Big Sur (140 miles). Aim
to stay somewhere round there?
Day #6 : Wed 14 May : Yosemite (150 or so miles)
Day #7 : Thu 15 May : Broadly north, aiming to stay somewhere in
the Sierra Nevada and watch the moon not be there
Day #8 : Fri 16 May : Sacramento?
Day #9 : Sat 17 May : Northern California somewhere, via Challenge,
so Rupert can send a postcard. Possibly Chico, since Rupert has stuck a
sign on it saying "Fine beer made here"?
Day #10 : Sun 18 May : Very north of CA, or south of OR, somewhere?
Day #11 : Mon 19 May : To Portland, via Crater Lake. 250-300 miles, depending
on where we are the night before.
Day #12 : Tue 20 May : Portland. Beer.
Day #13 : Wed 21 May : -> Mt St Helens -> Tacoma -> Olympic Mts (a day
of rocks, and quite a bit of driving - 150-200 miles, depending on route)
Day #14 : Thu 22 May : To Victoria by ferry (a day of water)
Day #15 : Fri 23 May : To Vancouver. Not very far, but by ferry again.
Day #16 : Sat 24 May : Vancouver? Or spare?
Day #17 : Sun 25 May : To Seattle (150 miles)
Day #18 : Mon 26 May : Seattle
Day #19 : Tue 27 May : Seattle. Three fat bastards depart for points variously
east (the one with the WG-like beard at noon, the clean-shaven contingent
not until 18:40, so we get most of a day), laughing at the remaining one
who has now to go to work
Day #20 : Wed 28 May : Two jetlagged fat bastards arrive at Heathrow at
noon, just in time for the Piccadilly line to die depositing them in the
rain at Hounslow East.
- doesn't involve us in driving any silly distances in a day;
- gives us a reasonable amount of time basically wandering aimlessly
in northern California looking for wineries;
- takes in (I think) all the things to do that have been mentioned;
- gives us three nights in SF, one in Sacramento, two in Portland,
Vancouver and Seattle.
I don't know if we want two in Vancouver - but if not day #16 gives
us a day's slack if we find something interesting along the way, or get
so wankered somewhere that we can't face driving before mid-afternoon the
next day (the Stein effect ;-) ), or whatever.