Day 17 - Sydney
Today's main jaunt was to the Museum of Contemporary Art, which was showing the Hayward Gallery's exhibition of photos of the moon (and for rather less than the Hayward wanted, if we remember rightly). A happy couple of hours was spent there, and also at the main exhibition in the Museum, where we stared bemusedly at photos of Tracey Emin stuffing banknotes up her jacksie and the like. We also went to the Custom House, which had claimed to be showing an exhibition called Fuzzy Prime Ministers whose centrepiece was apparenly a large embroidery of said politicians. But for reasons best known to themselves, they had unexpectedly closed the exhibition two hours earlier. So no go. Instead, some more wandering around the botanic gardens. And then on to the Lord Nelson. The Lord Nelson is a pub serving European-style beers by the pint, and had an impressive-looking card which we set about tackling. It also has a rather expensive restaurant upstairs which we entered with some trepidation. It had a good-looking wine list, and an efficient and friendly waitress (after whom David lusted) whose job was mainly to trot back to us after taking the order to tell us that the particular wine we had asked for wasn't available. Sadly, she did not perform the same trick with the bill, which was of jaw-dropping size. And
back to Circular Quay station, to wait for a very long time for a train.
Pah, who cares? If Victoria had views like Circular Quay does, then
maybe Connex South Central would be almost bearable....