Day 0 - London, Singapore and Adelaide (and Sydney)
1. They got totally buggered about by the transport system and changed their plans twice in the process of going from home to the airport (a distance of about 16 miles, or less than 0.1% of the total journey). 2. They got wet and cold as it pissed down with rain while they waited on railway platforms.
And so they left, and put themselves in the tender cares of Singapore Airlines for the next 24 hours. Unfortunately, Singapore Airlines had decided that the London-Singapore flight would also be the flight carrying the International Colicky Baby Convention (ICBC). As the hours passed and decibel levels on the flight passed 140, SA commemorated this by serving breakfast in honour of the fact that it was six in the evening where we were landing, making sure that the ICBC were served first so they'd be back in full voice by the time the rest of us got to eat the stale bun and Tarmacadam-texture coffee provided.
And so onto the second plane of the very long day. A small child kindly explained the technology to Mark so he could get the seat-back tele system to play silly video games, and another long, noisy flight ensued. Whoever said that it is better to travel hopefully than to arrive was, frankly, a lying bastard. David was also arriving from a more local start-point, in Sydney.
In a slightly ziggy-zaggy line. No, he wasn't pissed, it was just
that the pilot was having a bit of trouble with the weather. At least,
that's David's story. It may simply be that because he was sitting
at the front and wibbling at length to the pilot, this little distraction
was enough to cause the plane to swerve to the alarm of the assembled passengers.